Bogd-Uul is one of the national protected area (NPA) and beautiful natural places close to the capital city. As the first protected mountain in the world, Bogd-Uul has been a state sacred mountain since 1778. In 1923, according to the order of Bogd Khan, Bogd-Uul mountain was titled that Bogd Khaan Uul, which means King of Mountains.

Recently, Mongolians prefer walking in the mountains every week and spend their free time with their families and friends in the fresh air. The easiest way to climb is the hiking path from Zaisang mouth to Baruunshireet. But those who want to walk to Tsetseegun should go and walk from the side of Manzushir monastery or from the front side of Bogd mountain. Tsetsee Gun (2261 meter above sea level) is the highest peak of Bogd Khan Mountain.

I once heard that pious people do not aspire to climb Mount Manzushir to Mount Bogd.

“One of the best things about Ulaanbaatar city is that we can walk in the fresh air without having to spend hours in public transportation to walk in the mountains,” said one of my foreign friends.

Best of all, having a cup of coffee away from the hustle and bustle of the city is a great luxury.

Of course, climbing is difficult, but descending is more difficult. People who love nature and like hiking in the mountains always know how to get down gently and comfortably. How many living organisms can be affected by moving one stone or cutting one plant.

From the point of view of a person who has studied the ecological balance of a specially protected area, there are many ways to protect the area. One of the optimal methods is the concept of protection while using. Recently, the concept of ecosystem services has appeared in the world. Any traveler who has enjoyed the natural environment and returns it to the natural environment should have an economic incentive to use it for restoration or sustainable use.

There are no steep sides to get tired when you walk up to the Tsetsee Gun. Its mostly flat and steppe of the mountain, it is suitable for breathing in the fresh air while observing the surroundings. You know that a person who can breathe enough oxygen by walking in the mountains will sleep soundly like a child that day.

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